Terrific T Domes, AVSA and everything else!

A great big blog where those interested in Dome Homes and everything else, can post their thoughts. OF course we will go off topic to gardening, spring projects, hobbies, crafts, recipes and whatever the new day shall bring... Welcome blog away!

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Perplexing purpose

I was working on updating my websites today, spring cleaning and all that... I thought I'd take a shortcut and just get one of those "pre-designed" websites, just put in the info and go...
The first question threw me for a loop: "What is the purpose of your website?" Sounds pretty simple, until I started thinking about it... HUM, what is my purpose? Hell if I know! Nothing has a purpose around here, everything is multi-purpose, or its gone... So, do I put all the purposes? The main purpose? or the real purpose? and if so, than what are they?
I HATE updating websites, it gets me into a tizzy for weeks... lol
PURPOSE indeed! What was my purpose in even thinking about updating the websites anyway?
PURPOSE - DELETE - I don't have one... now I'm really feeling a lot better! I have NO purpose, my website doesn't have a purpose, we are purposeless....

Wow, I didn't realize that it had been so long since I posted on here... lol, just goes to show that my letter writing is just as sporadic....
1. Garden is coming up again, we have had some bad hail and thunderstorms, but we were fortunate and didn't have any damage.
2. We have tomato plants! We started a few seeds, (we had tons of plants and tomatoes last year, way too many, so we were planting conservatively this year!) then we checked on AVSA and now we have tons of more tomato plants, they just pop up out of the vermicompost, with potato plants, peppers and who knows what else! Some look like squash or melons... Oh well the joys of vemicomposting is trying to remember what went bad last year and ended up growing this year LOL.... Anyway sure saves on the price of veggie seeds... even have a avocado tree coming up in one corner! We try not to disturb the seedlings, so the earthworms are having to look for their food in small places.... we will transplant the seedlings into the garden soon and all will be back to normal lol, even if normal is another word for chaos around here...
3. Plans are still in the works to build a T-Dome home down at Terlingua Ranch this year, we are hoping to get it mostly finished for under $5,000.00. It will be 30' diameter, with built-in water catchment and cistern, hydroponics, attached green dome, composting toilet, two story and lots more... we will be using strawbales for the ponywall, which will save us the money that would have been the biggest expense and give us the flat walls inside, that I WANT lol. This will be our first large prototype and with our age and physical limitations it will be a challenge, to say the least. Hopefully this fall will be the time to start.
4. Our membership has grown to a sizable amount, we would like to have a big social with hands on lessons in vermicomposting and T-Dome construction this fall also, maybe to coincide with the CASA Terlingua Chili-Cook off in Nov... we have ten acres to camp on... Hum just a thought...
5. I did NOT really think that anyone read this, until I got a comment that my blogging was missed... LOL.. so I'll be back again soon maybe..

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Terrific T Domes, AVSA and everything else!: Terrific T Domes, AVSA and everything else!

Terrific T Domes, AVSA and everything else!: Terrific T Domes, AVSA and everything else!

I don't know about everyone else, but all this talk of war, raising gas prices, hurricanes, floods, you know all that "stuff" has started to get me into gear to prepare for everything from a day or two without power, utilities, to the "real thing" a total collapse of all public services... bulding a campfire in the middle of the livingroom floor ain't gonna get it! Having to "poop" in a bucket stinks, especially when there is NOT anywhere to dump it! A better plan is called for!
The major question was "can we survive in our own home" for a short time or even longer. Do we have the food, water, means of cooking, and most importantly the KNOWLEDGE to survive. Not just for George and me, but for the kids and grand kids. I could not stand to watch them starve to death, just because I was too dumb to keep them alive.... especially when I'm suppose to be the oldest, smartest and have the most experience. The one they count on for advise, help and look up too.
I devised this small "Home Survival Game" that could be played by anyone, anywhere. It will quickly tell you whether your chance are good or not. Its real easy, just live without power, gas, water for a few days, you will quickly see the faults in your survival plan. All the information is free of charge, if you want to make a donation fine and dandy, if not that is fine also, no one has ever donated, so we don't expect that record to be broken !!!!
I also have some food buying, storing, preparing recipes, etc. for your food storage that uses minimum amounts of water, fuel and can be prepared easily. You can buy this stuff on a shoestring food budget.
Can vermicompost improve your chances of survival? You bet it can. Find out all about it here. Plus it takes care of a major survival problem, disposing of human waste and household garbage, when the sewer is down and they are not picking up trash, waste can become a major health concern.
A sitemap can be found on any of the pages of Goldenrod.net
at the bottom, with updated links that have small descriptions of the content.
If you have children, grand children and loved ones, do your self and them a huge favor and find out if you can get smart enough to keep them alive in a real disaster that lasts for awhile.
Visit often for new information that I don't get posted here right away.
P.S. our garden if finally producing, everyone elses around here is done, drying up.. great yellow and green squash, a few bell peppers, collards mixed with radishe tops with sausage was great the other night. Tomatoes still green, but growin'.
Made some elderberry jelly that half is stiff jelly, the other half is syrup, wasn't planned that way, but the syrup was fantastic on ice cream.. so its workin'.... Lots more elderberries are getting ripe, so I get another chance!

Friday, June 02, 2006

Terrific T Domes, AVSA and everything else!

Terrific T Domes, AVSA and everything else!
Survival Food Storage Guide
Hi everyone, beautiful mornin, going to run out and plant some honeydew melons that are up and ready, some zuccini and yellow squash, a few more tomatoes, can never have enough.
I'm going to try drying the extras for survival food storage, this year, if any one has good information about how best to dry meats, veggies, fruits. Please post them here, I think I know, BUT you know how that can be...
Til later, Judy

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Terrific T Domes, AVSA and everything else!

Terrific T Domes, AVSA and everything else!
Hi Everyone, I'm real new to this, so....
I've invited those that have/are taking free vermicomposting lessons to post here, with their comments, questions, etc... about setting up their earthworm kits.
I've put up a new page on using vermicompost in composting toilets and for long term survival growing plants. check it out.
Later, Judy